We are a team which passion and specialize in Destination Pre-wedding, Destination Wedding, Studio (Family, Maternity, Newborn, Professional Portrait) & Commercial Production.
We are based in Penang, often traveling to your destination to capture the perfect moment in the perfect place. We will be there with you every step of the way to guarantee your precious moments are been captured all time.
We have more than 8 years of experience in this industry. We are a team who have been trained and followed VINCE Masterpiece Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and Quality Control (QC) which are able to give our clients their utmost professional photography & videography outcome as well as high quality services. We spend more time on how we could produce high quality photos and videos for our clients to ensure all the team’s performance are top-notch.
Let us craft and capture your precious moments on your special day.
我们每位都充满激情并专注于婚纱,婚礼,工作室(家庭,孕妇,新生儿,毕业,专业人像)和商业拍摄的团队。 我们位于槟城,可以前往您的目的地,在完美的地方捕捉完美的时刻。我们将全程陪伴您,以确保您的宝贵时刻始终被捕捉。 我们在该行业拥有8年以上的经验。我们每位都是经过训练并遵循VINCE杰作标准操作程序(SOP)和质量控制(QC)的团队,能够为客户提供最大程度的专业摄影和摄像成果以及高质量的服务。我们花了更多时间在如何为客户制作高质量的照片和视频上,以确保团队的所有工作表现都是一流的。 让我们精心设计并捕捉您在特殊日子里的宝贵时刻。
Team 团队:
~ Photographers 摄影师
~ Videographers 录影师
~ Make up Artists 化妆师
~ Editors & Designers 设计师